Because ladies, typically, jump ahead, let's first consider the characteristics of pain in women the stimulation. Now, it should be mentioned that this term not only arousal during intercourse pain can also occur, Masturbation during sexual excitement. So, some of the disease, in which the woman suffers from the pain as soon as excited.
Ovarian cyst
The cysts on the ovaries or growths, which can occur in the form of the bag is filled with liquid and burst. It belongs to the tumors. Ovarian cyst may disappear by itself in 2-3 months may be necessary agent or medical intervention.
The nature of the pain
If the sexual act a woman may feel sharp pain in the pool to the left or right. The same pain that a woman feels during the period, which is known to the women, increased irritability.
What you need to do?
Be sure to get an ultrasound of the genital organs, especially the ovaries. To make sure that you have the ovarian cyst, you need to consult a gynecologist or treatment.
Fungal infection, known as candidiasis
This disease at least once, but suffered with almost every other woman. The women I have ever had in this flour: pain in vagina, white rash on the walls, and itching disorder, still crying. This is a fungal disease that is not necessarily sexually transmitted – the reasons may be different. While thrush in the vagina or the walls of a woman nasty Candida fungus called candidiasis disease.
Candidiasis pain during intercourse is getting stronger every fourth woman.
The nature of the pain
When excited during sex pain in the vagina can increase, itching. Always touch the walls of the vagina causing severe pain, malaise, irritability. If the woman still endures sexual intercourse, the vagina will be inflamed even more pain in the vagina can become simply intolerable, and that the area of the ovaries – pain in lower abdomen. As a rule, pain, burning in nature.
What you need to do?
To visit a gynecologist and perform a treatment against thrush. You need to let the strips of strong smells (scented), tight clothes, synthetic underwear, uncontrolled drugs – these products can cause thrush in addition to the infection during sex. Before or after sex, then use the ointment hormone cortisol the composition – this will reduce the inflammation of the vaginal walls, pain.
Myoma or fibromyoma of the uterus
This formation of the uterus in the form of a tumor that the doctors believe is benign. In this formation involving uterine fibroids, connective tissue, muscle, and connective tissue. This disorder to keep the paws more than a third of women after 35 years. The fibroids can be the size of peas (small), that the fruit, like the orange.
The nature of the pain
When the myoma, or fibroids of the uterus vagina hurts from the entrance, as soon as you touch him. Maybe he felt fairly dense areas in the form of linked, under the skin. The pain may also occur to the vagina, the genitals. During sex the pain is very strong character.
They are pulsating, durable, can not have sex, even after several hours. The woman cares so much about these pains, especially if the reason is not clear. He, too, falls into depression, if the time is not going to go to the doctor for the diagnosis.
What you need to do?
Consult a gynecologist for further diagnosis and treatment. A more accurate picture of the disease, you will need an ultrasound. Usually diagnosis of the disease to find out differences. The treatment used a combination therapy, possible surgery.
This is an inflammation of the nerves, the roots of which are in the region of the vulva. Causes infection affecting the mucous membranes of the vagina, as well as the common diseases of the female genital organs. In particular, fungal, e.g. candidiasis.
The nature of the pain
The vulvodynia, she may have pain in lower abdomen during sex, or arousal. The pain intensifies, even if the woman is a long time in one position, or sitting on a hard surface. The pain intensified the introduction of the penis into the vagina.
These symptoms are also accompanied by frequent urination, pain radiating to the lower back, as during menstruation, women may be more generous allocation than before.
What you need to do?
To visit a gynecologist and undergo a thorough diagnosis. Features of the vulvodynia, it is very difficult to distinguish from other diseases. For example, fungal, or sexually transmitted. Therefore, to treat vulvodinamiyu a lot more complicated than the other diseases of the female genital organs, which are easily diagnosed.
Bartholinitis – inflammation of the Bartholin - gland – organs, which resemble the pea, size, shape. Those lips, the vagina is a pea every sexual sponge. Cause of the disease except inflammation of the glands and blockage as a consequence of the satiety toxins, poor blood flow. It is estimated, because, because the true causes of bartholinitis, while medical scientists have not figured out. It could be that the assumptions, pathogenic avian influenza infections, such as Staph, Strep and other nasty germs.
The nature of the pain
When bartholinitis labia women increase, fat, burning, of course, a woman experiences pain during intercourse, up to 5-6 hours after. It's hard to resist, so a woman uses pain medication or call an ambulance. This is the pain of a pulsating character. In addition, if the vault of the vagina to touch the partner, or the woman feel under the fingers on the tight areas of the body.
What you need to do?
Consult a gynecologist for examination, treatment. If the disease is already running, then it is likely that the patient be offered surgery to remove one of the glands is the culprit of your pain. Or both.
This is the germination of the tissue lining the uterus (endometrium) in areas of the body, where it shouldn't be. The overgrowth of the endometrium may affect the bladder, fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, and rectum. But I don't know exactly which organs can grow endometrium!
The result is the same – pain in arousal, poor sexual life of a woman. The menstruation, what they want, with any frequency. That is, this disease can worsen bleeding in the uterus. To think that the endometriosis is diagnosed with more than one-third of the women in the whole world! This disease is one of the main causes of infertility.
The nature of the pain
Pain when excited can bother all women, if you have endometriosis. The pains sharp, cutting, sharp, as, for example, that it's time to call an ambulance. Of course, it would not allow a woman to full orgasm, she suffers, unable to enjoy sex.
What you need to do?
Contact your gynecologist for examination and, if necessary, if a conventional integrated therapy helps you to get ready for the surgery.
The infection of the urinary organs

Urinary tract, genital tract infections more often affect women, because the urethra, vagina, they are anatomically located very close to each other, so that the infection moves very quickly, the vagina, the urethra, in the bladder. This the female reproductive organs become inflamed, and as a result – pain, arousal, or sexual intercourse.
The nature of the pain
The woman feels the pain in the lower abdomen, but I just can't identify. Where. The pain in the infections can be a wandering, vague, uncertain in nature. During sex the pain increases to be flexible, it's stupid. In this case, the woman is constantly tempted to visit the toilet.
What you need to do?
Not to be confused with a urinary tract infection, colds, inflammation, not to self-medicate. If you feel pain in lower abdomen during sex, you have to visit a doctor for a thorough diagnosis. Particularly instructive are the analyses of the urine, it is easy to calculate that the woman is the name of the pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
You need to have to manage, not alone. This is the type of the disease, should undergo treatment, sexual partner, her husband.
Vaginal dryness
This is a disease in which the vagina is too little lubrication. Continue to dry, so during sexual intercourse the male organ annoying. The pain during sex.
The vaginal dryness, for any period, the life of suffering of every woman. This symptom has touched more than a quarter of the women worldwide. The reason may be the excessive hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives. Among the causes of vaginal dryness, pain when excited can be, pregnancy, lactation, menopause.
The nature of the pain
An unpleasant, pungent, irritating. When during sexual intercourse the member states partner, or your fingers penetrate into the vagina, can react with a sharp pain. After sexual intercourse, the pain will not leave a woman for another 2-3 hours. Of course, vaginal dryness due to sexual intercourse painful, therefore, patiently, in silence to endure this problem.
What you need to do?
Contact your gynecologist to prescribe the optimal treatment. If vaginal dryness is caused by hormonal abnormalities, you need first to establish the hormonal balance. If the fault is the taking oral contraceptives, we need to consider the dosage and the purpose. If a woman is not, in itself, is quickly becoming excited during sex, you need to use a lubricant – a special lubricant for intercourse.
Pain awakening the men
The men, the features, the pain of sexual excitement. They dictate the characteristics of the male anatomy. When people are excited, after 20-40 seconds, the active blood arrives to the organs in the pelvis, the veins narrowing and reverse blood flow. This is the penis starts to grow, to strengthen, to increase the length, width.
Characteristics of erection male phallus increased three times. He's going to be longer than 8 cm as in a state of sleep. The Latin "hard-on": "to raise". In this state, fascinum, we need to let the for a long time in this situation, she couldn't stay. When the phallus rubbing against the wall of the vagina, the excitement rises, all the bodies come back to life. If the sexual excitement of the men's genitals, the experience of severe pain in the overload.
What kind of diseases cause pain the men during the awakening?
Primarily the disease is viral in nature. Viruses, bacteria cause inflammation of the genital organs, it makes them weaker, vulnerable, tissue get overworked and hurt.
Testicular inflammation
The inflammatory process in the testes of men. This can occur after the man had the mumps, the common people – the mumps. The most typical symptoms of the disease are high body temperature, the egg, swollen, painful.
The nature of the pain
Pain in the testicle can be strong, short, or drag the stupid to a few hours or even days – pain, can be up to seven. During intercourse, the pain will not leave, as the pain is unbearable.
After a week of suffering, the pain is also reduced, and then back again. The egg at this time is significantly reduced in size, remains in this condition, maybe even atrophy. Two months after the disease goes away, the pain still give it back to the man to live normal sexual life. The sperm significantly reduced the numbers – a production in patients testicular.
What you need to do?
First, you need to examine the doctor-urologist. He will prescribe the treatment, both men need to stay under medical supervision for at least two months after the pain during arousal or sexual intercourse it ceases to bother you.
This is a painful disease in which the inflamed appendix in the man's testicles. The testicles increase in size, the man had a fever of 38 degrees, as well as frequent urination, Cause pathology, usually a viral infection, or a fungal disease. The reason for this condition could be a fungal disease or the common cold viral nature.
The nature of the pain
When excited, pain in the testicles, the scrotum is particularly strong. The scrotum will be much more the testes to increase, and the blood exceeds the penis during arousal, making sexual intercourse unbearable. The nature of the pain sharp, acute.
What you need to do?
Immediately consult a doctor-urologist, medical treatment, antifungal, antiviral drugs. The combination therapy may be an anti-inflammatory drug. If you don't believe, suddenly it's not treated, the disease in its initial stages, it can lead to infertility or lack of sexual life in general.